Defining your Values — guides life

3 min readFeb 14, 2023


One of my top core values is Integrity and I believe that in order to have Integrity, you need to first have Strength and Truth.

This is why they come first in S.T.I.G.S (Strength, Truth, Integrity, Growth, and Stability). See other videos about STIGS.

Every human has a reason to do better, some have more opportunity than others, and some take bigger chances than most.

And each father I speak with has their own set of values, set of challenges and set of motivators. None of those have to be the same for anyone, yet we can be committed to being the best Father possible.

Because you see… And this is super hard to share …

The thing about being on the journey as a recovered drug addict and someone who used to pretend everything was OK all the time, is you don’t often find Strength and Truth in your every day life — And you guessed it, Integrity slips (or is non existent).

There is a lot of things I regret from my past, and I can’t change that those things happened. The same is true for you brother, no matter what has passed.

We can, however, dedicate life to creating a better world through expanding the love possible using fatherhood. To this, you have to be able to get over your hang ups, find love

Gaining a family made life worth fighting for (and making a better environment for everyone) was what caused me to start my business.

I’m blessed to have a lady who’s dedicated to that growth too (and she’s patient as hell).

And I’m blessed to have 15 years of training and coaching knowledge backing up my motivation to help fathers.

So ask yourself what will it take for you to step into this change?

It doesn’t matter what your list of VALUES are, it’s just important to know what they are.

But even more important is taking ACTIONS on your values.

In my Family life it looks like this.

🔥 Owning my shit. No matter how hard it is to change my stuck thoughts (or how long it takes), I work through it until I get it. Through mental fitness this has, not only, become easier, but less burdensome and quicker than ever. And it’s not always out loud, but it should be.

🔥 Find new ways to connect with my family that works for everyone, daily. I need less ‘in between time’ to get into play time.

🔥 Continuing to review from a place of Truth and integrity. More clarity of mind, means more honest moments with myself and my family — resulting in more fulfilling moments.

And in my business, that looks like…

🔥 S — Strength — my clients walk away better equipped to handle relationships, fatherhood, stress and are ready to take on any challenge thrown their way.

🔥 T — Truth — We face our personal challenges with a clear mind and with clarity we are able to hear our own TRUTH.

🔥 I — Integrity — As a brotherhood, we hold each other to higher levels of accountability; with kindness. And I believe in this program so much I guarantee its results, that’s my promise of integrity.

🔥 G –Growth — We can move from old cycles to new. With new habits, new understanding and new way of living life we become what our families need.

🔥 S — Stability — No matter the outcomes in our external environment. We gain the ability move forward with a strong footing mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

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Integrity is really important to me because it’s what reminds me that I am not perfect and it creates even more reason that I will keep having the strength to be truthful to myself.

And that’s why when you work with me, I promise to live in integrity and to consider your feelings and treat you like the multi-dimensional human you are.

With your own past, your own regrets, your own motivators and your own successes which we WILL celebrate.

I also know that if I have had the Strength to do all this, so will you.

#fatherhood #parenting #dadlife #selfdiscipline #children #goals #mentalfitness




Written by MarkDee

Get relief from the burdens of your Fatherhood journey - in 8 weeks - Guaranteed 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👉 👈👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Kids, wife, bills

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